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Photo : Description : Spirulina are blue-green micro-algae that are a natural and rich source of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein and phytonutrients (phycocyanin and chlorophyll). Spirulina is a rich source of carotenoids, especially betacarotene. Whe... Photo : Description : The B group of vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. Most water soluble vitamins are not stored in large amounts by the body. This makes their regular consumption necessary. These vitamins are required in increasing amounts during periods of stre... Photo : Description : Daily supplementation with a broad range of vitamins and minerals can provide “nutritional insurance” by helping to provide an optimum intake for the maintenance of good health. A Harvard review published in the Journal of the American Me... Photo : Description : Daily supplementation with a broad range of vitamins and minerals can provide “nutritional insurance” by helping to provide an optimum intake for the maintenance of good health. A Harvard review published in the Journal of the American Me... Photo : Description : The B group of vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. Most water soluble vitamins are not stored in large amounts by the body. This makes their regular consumption necessary. These vitamins are required in increasing amounts during periods of stre...