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Photo : Description : Greens Happy Puffs are dusted with spinach, collard greens, and kale, so Baby is developing a palate for these green veggies that provide so many nutrients. Our puffs melt in Baby’s mouth and encourage self feeding. They may just buy Mom some q... Photo : Description : Purple Carrot & Blueberry Puffs are sweetened with 100% fruit juice and enriched with vitamins and minerals. Our puffs melt in Baby’s mouth and encourage self feeding. They may just buy Mom some quiet time, too.nutritional infoThe most accu... Photo : Description : Sebamed Clear Face Teenage Apt Gel is effective for pimples, blackheads prone skin and provides additional protection. It is quick in support in drying out infected pimples and reducing inflammation.Additional InformationDirection for UseApply a smal... Photo : Description : Soap & alkaline-free wash active ingredients ensures good skin tolerability and gentle deep pore cleansing to remove excessive oil.Additional InformationDirection for UseDispense a small amount of liquid into the palm of your hand and massage gen... Photo : Description : The sebamed CLEAR FACE TEENAGE DEEP CLEANSING FACIAL TONER gently cleanses the skin removing excess sebum , oil and dirt particles.Its cleansing action effectively counteracts the formation of unwanted elements. Panthenol supports the renewal of the ...