Description : 冷冻脂肪采用非侵入性治疗方法,精确传送“冷冻作用”至身体脂肪积聚位置,针对消除顽固脂肪细胞。脂肪细胞周围的其他组织容易受到冷冻作用影响,脂肪细胞会在摄氏4°c凝固, 分解,而脂肪细胞要在零度才会死亡,因而可以安全消除脂肪细胞。同时不会损害皮肤和脂肪细胞周围组织。配合《负压+光能+射频》三种技术为一体,将人体脂肪移动位置并逐步消化,从而实现“脂肪转移”雕塑身体线条,重现完美体态。
Cryolipolysis is a medical treatment used to destroy fat cells. Its principle relies on controlled cooling to temperature of 4°c for the non-invasive localized reduction of fat deposits in order to reshape body contours. The exposure to cooling is set so that it causes cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without apparent damage to the overlying skin. The procedure is billed as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. The process is also known as "fat freezing"