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Name : 3D 7色冷光面罩光疗护理
3D LED 7 Light Luminous Therapy Treatment
Description :

光疗美肤专家,采用纳米生物能透入3.7 – 3.9毫米的肌肤层激活筋膜层的胶原蛋白和细胞活力。通过LED光能面罩仪光动力照射,能够激活皮肤内部的细胞,加快肌肤的新陈代谢,有效促进皮肤的细胞活力和胶原蛋白的分泌能起到淡斑祛痘,除皱紧致,美白嫩肤等效果,从皮肤的细胞层面改善和调理肌肤的状态。

The use of Nano bio phototherapy skin expert, can penetrate skin layer 3.7mm - 3.9mm activation fascia layer of collagen and cell viability by LED light mask instrument can activate skin photodynamic irradiation, cells within the skin, accelerate the. The new supersedes the old. Effectively promote skin cell, activity and secretion of collagen can play blemish acne, wrinkle firming, whitening effect, and improve the skin from skin cell of the state level.

Company Particular
Company : Labelle Slim Beauty Centre ( BioSecret-Paris )
Fax : 07-3534603
Address : 5A, Jalan Molek 2/38, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Email :
Website : http://biosecret-paris.com