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Classified Ads

Name : 太陽花保健糙米
Sunflower Healthy Brown Rice
2kg / 5kg
太陽花保健糙米Sunflower Healthy Brown Rice2kg / 5kg
Description :

The fined harvested brown rice removes only the outer layer, the hull, while keeping the most nutritional value, vitamins & minerals, such as calcium, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, E, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium in the bran layer.

由精挑细选的上等糙米只去除稻谷的外层:稻谷壳, 并保留了富有营养价值如钙质,维他命B群,E,锰,磷,钾等在米糠层。

Company Particular
Company : YHL Group
Fax : +607-356 0299
Address : PLO 256, Jalan Firma 3/1, Kawasan Perindustrian Tebrau IV, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Email :
Website : http://yhlfood.gomalaysia.com.my