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Non pharmacological, non surgical treatment and prevention for posterior anal fissure.
Colorec is one of our breakthrough innovated designed and development. It is the only special toilet seat that has incorporated Posterior HPS. HPS is the latest technology in treatment of many perineal disorders including Anal Fissure, Haemorrhoids and Constipations. 

Extensive effort was spent to ensure that the fine details of the Colorec were right for the treatment of perineal disorders. Colorec especially its HPS is anatomically designed to provide the optimum support and to do so comfortably for the users. Internationally patented.
"I am very intrigued by the new concept of causation of anal fissure. But even more amazing is the Hai's Perianal Support (H.P.S) invented by Dr Chew. In my preliminary clinical trials. I found the device to heal anal fissures very rapidly and also to prevent its reoccurence. This device will alter our fundamental understanding and treatment of anal fissures and other perianal disorders!"

Professor Francis Seow-Cheon 
President of Eurasian Colorectal Technology Association (ECTA)
Former Head and Senior Consultant, Dept of Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General Hospital
Hai’s Perianal Support (HPS) is the generic name given to the manual or mechanical support provide to the area around the anus during defaecation. It is name after a Malaysian doctor (Dr. Chew Heng Hai) who hypothesized and first discovered the medical benefits of HPS. HPS can be easily remembered with pneumonic “Ho Pang Sai”, which carries the meaning of “easy to defaecate” in hokkien, a Chinese dialect. HPS can be divided into anterior HPS which can be done manually by own fingers and posterior HPS which is also call ano-coccygeal support, based on the anatomical description. The posterior HPS is better and easier perform mechanically with HPS like that of Colorec which is anatomically contoured and researched to give the best result and comfort.
HPS was found in clinical trials to have multiple medical usages or benefits. These were all thought to be due to the mechanical support of the perineum. Multiple systematic medical researches are being carried out currently by various medical institutes for the benefit of the patients throughout the world. These are yielding very promising results and more scientific papers are in the pipeline. Completed research had been submitted for publication in appropriate peer-reviewed medical journal and conferences.
36 years old man with a history of anal bleeding and pain every 3 to 6 monthly for 2 years. Noticed a non healing ulcer on the anus since 1 year previously. Clinical examination confirmed a chronic posterior anal fissure and he was prescribed with Colorec with H.P.S. therapy.
Before Treatment
2 weeks after H.P.S. of Colorec
Another two clinically confirmed chronic anal fissure patients with symptoms for 21 and 17 years respectively were prescribed with Colorec although both were initially advised for surgery. Review showed rapid significant recovery clinically and symptomatically, and operation plans were withdrawn. Both patients were free from recurrence at more than 2 years after continued use of the device.

Colorec were also prescribed to 27 other patients with symptoms of chronic anal fissure (17 with pain, 16 with bleeding and constipation). They were followed up with questionnaires at 0, 2, 4 and 12 weeks. Rapid progressive recovery was reported for all the symptoms. 12 out of 17 with anus pain, 9 out of 16 with bleeding and 6 out of 16 with constipation patients reported total disappearance of symptoms. The other patients also improved at the 12th week after H.P.S. therapy of Colorec. No patient reported deterioration or static symptoms.
Anal Pain
Six patients were laxative dependent. Five of the 6 reported being laxative free and the other 1 reported significant reduction in laxative usage at 12 weeks therapy. Average time taken for defaecation was also reported to be reduced from 15 minutes initially to 6.5 minutes at the end of 12 weeks. 

In brief the H.P.S. therapy of Colorec helped every symptom and every patient in this study.
Pile (Haemorrhoids)
Abdominal Symptom
Time of Defaecation
Laxative Usage
Anal fissure is very a common problem and the disorder is often perpetuated because large numbers of patients are misdiagnosed as haemorrhoids.

An anal fissure is a tear at the distal part of anal canal. More than 90% are located at the posterior midline position. It may present together with haemorrhoids. Typical symptoms are bleeding and pain both during and after passing motion. It is commonly believed to be due to the passage of hard stools but a bout of diarrhea can also cause it. Hypertonic anal sphincter only partially explains the presence of chronic anal fissures because patients with anal hypotonia may also suffer from chronic anal fissures.

Conservative treatments include increased water intake, sitz bath and steps to improve bowel habits. Medical treatment especially the use of anal sphincter relaxants are gaining popularity. However most drugs used are still far from ideal because they cause significant side effects and their positive effects are temporary.

Surgical lateral anal sphincterotomy is the gold standard in the treatment of chronic anal fissure. It involves cutting of the internal anal sphincter. This procedure should always be kept as the last option because it is invasive and may cause anal incontinence including fecal incontinence which may be permanent.
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