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Description : OLIVENOL™ plus+ is a dietary supplement that contains HIDROX which is the most potent natural antioxidant derived from organic olive juice. OLIVENOL™ plus+ is the first patented multi-action biophenol supplement comprising anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-ageing, anti-bacterial and anti-UV damage properties. HYDROX™ is a patented formula containing hydroxytyrosol in a blend of potent olive polyphenols.It has been found to be the #1 organic antioxidant with the highest level of radical scavenging activity derived from olive juice. The scavenging activity is measured by ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Olive juice is the result of our patented process which contains the olive pulp and juice without the olive oil. Yes, that means we are left with the nutrient dense health benefits of the entire olive without the added calories and fats contained in the olive oil. A brief overview of our process is the olives are picked from the organic olive farms and brought to our company. On site our olives are washed, pressed, depitted, and then the olive's oil and the olive juice are separated and the olive juice is then freeze- dried and marketed as HIDROX™ our patented potent blend of hydroxytyrosol. Our products are divided into two subgroups you have the capsule(s) and the Elixir. There is no difference in the dosage amount of HIDROX in either product. The only difference is one is in the form of a pill and the other is in the form of a liquid. Capsules Elixir Essence: Easeflex: Endurance: Radiance: Ingredients are HIDROX™, a proprietary formula from juice of organic olives Ingredients are HIDROX™, a proprietary formula from the juice of organic olives plus Glucosamine Ingredients are HIDROX™, a proprietary formula from the juice of organic olives plus L-Carnitine. Ingredients are HIDROX™, a proprietary formula from the juice of organic olives plus Alpha Lipoic Acid Essence: Ingredients are HIDROX™, a proprietary formula from the juice of organic olives and Vegetable Glycerin. Olivenol&trade plus+ is a non-toxic water soluble compound. Our products are certificated by many organizations such as the GRAS certification. This means that our bodies use the amount needed and excess amounts are excreted through our urine. There are no found side effects even when taken at the FDA's maximum allowance amount of 2mg daily. For the capsules: essence, easeflex, endurance, and radiance one-two capsules daily. For the liquid elixir one-two ml. daily A free radical is a molecule that contains a single unpaired electron. These free radicals get out of hand in our body systems and are directly involved in many human diseases. Free radicals are known to cause broad spectrum cases such as inflammation. Complex free radicals get so specific as to get inside our central nervous system and yet other free radicals cand cause DNA damage. Directly involved in oxidative stress free radicals are known to be a common denominator in human symptoms and diseases such as arthritis, stroke, hypertension, Parkinson disease, muscular dystrophy, alcoholism, smoking-related diseases, and many others. If you would like to read more most this information was gained from the article, "The evolution of Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress," By Joe M. McCord, PhD. Free radicals as you know are molecules that contain an unpaired electron an antioxidant pairs with the free radical taking it out of our body generally through our urine. The main idea of antioxidants is their ability to get these free radicals out before they complete their goal of oxidative damage in our cell membranes. The free radical scavenging activity is measured by ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) the higher the number the more efficient the antioxidant works. - Olivenol plus is more than an antioxidant it is HIDROX™. HIDROX™ contains many polyphenols including hydroxytyrosol the most potent organic antioxidant found in olive juice. Hydroxytyrosol is very effective as an antioxidant as shown in its orac value of 27,000 TE/g. Hydroxytyrosol is very simple in its chemical structure making it easy for traveling throughout multiple body systems to seek out, bond with, and discrete free radicals. Hydroxytyrosol is even capable of crossing the blood brain barrier making our antioxidant very effective at free radical scavenging.
- Olivenol plus is more than safe it is certified. This olive juice supplement has already been patented and certified with CCOF certified organic, GRAS, HALAL, and KOSHER certifications.
- Olivenol plus is more than good for you it is good for everybody. Olivenol plus is safe for all ages, young and old. Olivenol plus is going to strengthen your body's immunity helping you stay healthier. There have been no negative reactions with other medications. Our products are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, however, it is suggested to ask your doctor before you start taking Olivenol plus.