Description : If your usual cycle length is 24 days or more, start testing on Day 9 of your menstrual cycle. To work out when Day 9 is you should count the day your period starts as Day 1, and continue counting through to Day 9. This is the day you should start testing.
If your usual cycle length is less than 24 days you can use this Test, but you should start testing on Day 5 of your cycle. To work out when Day 5 is you should count the day your period starts as Day 1, and continue counting through to Day 5. This is the day you should start testing. If your cycle length varies, but has been less than 24 days in the last 3 cycles you should start testing on Day 5.
You can test any time of the day, but it should be at about the same time each day (many women find it most convenient first thing in the morning). It is important that you have not urinated for at least 4 hours before testing, and you should avoid excessive fluid intake before testing.
The time when you are most fertile is on the day the LH surge is detected and the day after. You are most likely to get pregnant if you have sex on these days. Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests detect this LH surge, and therefore maximize your chances of conceiving.
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests have been shown in extensive laboratory trials to be over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge before ovulation.
Please note: these are abbreviated instructions. Always read the in-pack leaflet before carrying out a test.
The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is very easy to use. When you’re ready to test remove a Test Stick from its foil wrapper. Before applying urine to the Test Stick it must be inserted into the Test Holder.
The Test Stick and Test Holder are marked with pink arrows that must be aligned to ensure correct insertion. The Test Stick clicks into place and a 'Test Ready' symbol appears on the Test Holder display.
When the ‘Test Ready’ symbol appears, you simply hold the Absorbent Sampler pointing downwards in your urine stream for 5 to 7 seconds. Alternatively, you can collect a sample of urine in a clean dry container and immerse just the Absorbent Sampler in the collected sample for 15 seconds.
Keep the Absorbent Sampler pointing downwards or lay the Test flat. After 20 to 40 seconds, the ‘Test Ready’ symbol will flash to show that the test is working. Do not eject the Test Stick. Replace the cap and then wipe off any excess urine.
Within 3 minutes, the display will show your result.
A blank circle means a ‘No LH Surge’ result. Test again tomorrow at the same time using a new Test Stick.
A smiley face means the LH surge has been detected. There is no need to test again this cycle. Having sex any time in the next 48 hours will maximize your chances of getting pregnant.