Description : Common cold – as its name suggests is the most common reason that children miss school. When they miss school frequently, parents often worry that their children will face difficulties catching up due to frequent absence. According to the World Health Organisation (2004), children suffer more colds than adults with an average of 6 to 10 episodes a year. Children’s immune systems are not fully developed during childhood and along with unhealthy diet and close contact with other peers in school or in daycare, they are more vulnerable to illnesses compared to an adult. Symptoms of common cold:
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Cough
- Nasal congestion
- Sometimes accompanied by headaches, shivering and loss of appetite
A weak immunity foundation may directly affect a child’s growth and the ability to ward off environmental stresses. Vitamin C is well-known for its antioxidant and immune-boosting benefits to ward off common colds and infections. Bioflavonoids when combined with Vitamin C, help to enhance the absorption of Vitamin C, providing a synergistic antioxidant protection for stronger defense against sneezing and sniffles.
Vitamin C:
- Strengthens the body’s resistance to illnesses
Several studies have demonstrated that daily consumption of vitamin C in doses ranging from 200mg to 1000mg reduces the frequency of common colds and wheezing symptoms1-4.
- Maintains healthy teeth and gums
Bleeding and swollen gums may be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C’s role in collagen formation and tissue repair helps to promote healing for bleeding gums while bioflavonoids strengthen blood vessel walls and retard plaque growth.
- Heals wound
Vitamin C is essential for the healing of wounds as well as growth and repair of body tissues.
Bioflavonoids are a class of water-soluble plant pigments that are usually found with Vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. While they are not considered essential, bioflavonoids do have health-supporting benefits. Bioflavonoids help to maximise the benefits of Vitamin C. They aid in the absorption of Vitamin C and protect Vitamin C from oxidation, thereby enhancing its effectiveness.
Tips to keep your children healthy, fit and strong:
- Inculcate healthy eating habits. Help your children make healthier food choices by being a good role model yourself. Load their school lunchboxes with a healthy meal and fruit juice.
- Set a good example and teach your children the importance of washing their hands especially after visiting the toilet and before meals.
- Practise good hygiene at home. Wash your children’s toys regularly and advise them to avoid sharing drinking and eating utensils.
- Encourage your children to participate in regular physical activities and join them as they jump and jiggle. Active children are more likely to become active adults.
- Give your children a Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids supplement daily. An optimal amount of 250mg of vitamin C is essential to keep their immunity in tiptop shape.
Give your child a Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids supplement daily. An optimal amount of 250mg of vitamin C is essential to keep his or her immunity in tiptop shape.